In a theme that seems common with my travels I ended up losing all my photos from Moab and Bryce Canyon. Im so annoyed as Moab was probably my favourite part of our whole trip! It's a really cool town, kinda like hippy-ish and really chill. Here we ended up staying in a hotel for three nights which was a welcome break from the cold two nights we'd had! We went on this super cool sunset Jeep tour where we saw some amazing rocks and even some real dinosaur prints (yeap that photo is a REAL dino print!) Im such a fangirl when it comes to stuff like that and I was SO excited to see actual dinosaur stuff. We also went to Dead Horse point which was amazingly cool. I thought it was the biggest ammount of Canyon land I'd ever seen... well until we rocked up to the Grand Canyon!I do have footage of this so it'll be in my full vlog!
I also had a really moody day leading up to our time in Monument Valley. I was tired, sick and bored of being soggy and wet all the time. I even had a little melt down on Twitter about it which a lot of people took as the fact I hadnt enjoyed my trip at all. There are pros and cons of my experiance which I'll summarise at the end, but In hindsight I regret being such a Diva and getting pissed off at silly things but thats the downside of group travel. I think I just needed some "me" time and having people telling you need to be here there and everywhere constantly is really hard. Especially when you're so used to planning your own life out all the time.
I also think I was a bit hungover, somehow we managed to get incredibly drunk one night in Utah (considering they only sell 3% alcohol) and walked for ages to find a 7Eleven. In which Tyson and Steve bought Burritos, put them on the floor and then collected them later on in the night. I have no recollection of this but it was a really fun night to be honest. That's always gonna be my favourite part of the trip is the evenings where we'd get drunk and gossip and just talk about life. You get so close to people so quickly and before you know it you've spilled the sordid details of your sex life and tell people when you're going for a poop. It's weird.
On the drive to Monument Valley we stopped off at some pretty cool points. Including a place called Goose Necks... which I encountered my first gross toilet. In which I opened a toilet to go pee and there was shit everywhere. Literally an unholy amount of poop that I just instantly shrieked and ran away. We also stopped off at that spot in Forrest Gump where he just stops running randomly and decides to go home. But this was again during my moody day and I'm slapping myself now but I was really having a crappy day and projecting it on to others was not cool of me.

We drove through Monument Valley and got told all about the various rocks and what they all meant. It's actually really cool seeing this huge stone structures some natural and carved by the Navajo up close. Our guide told us about some of the Navajo culture and really shared their beliefs and stories with us. We had traiditonal Navajo Taco's (which were amazing) and did some dancing round the fire in the rain. While the rain that had initially put me in a bad mood was beating down on us (seriously we were ALL soaked) we had the best fun and one of the most entertaining evenings of our trip.

That evening we spent the night in a traditional Hogan which is the traditional houses of the Navajo people.They are these round mud huts and I really regret not taking any photos! I think I was too excited about the idea of all sleeping together to think about the #content.
All of us "Cool Crew" as we dubbed ourselves insisted we sleep together in a line which on reflection was a bad idea. Between Steve's coughing and him telling Evan "DUDE SHUT UP" and not to mention Evans's monstrous snoring none of us really got much sleep. Corrie did her first nature wee and I managed to be sick and wee all while Hannah Gale laughed in my face. I'd inhaled way too much chemical fumes and was just feeling less than awesome. None the less it was an experience I was never going to forget!