In keeping with new UK legislation, all advertising (that uses cookies ) will hold an AdChoices logo so users can opt out of cookie tracking from July 1st 2012. It is now standard to display a cookie disclaimer. It's important that you have a cookie disclaimer on your site to inform your readers that cookies are being served. It is not just networks such as Hand Picked Media that use cookies services such as Google Analytics/Statcounter etc. all use cookies to track visits so you will be seeing disclaimers of this kind more often than not.

What are cookies?
'Cookies' are small pieces of information that a website sends to your computer's hard drive while you are viewing a website.

How does this site use cookies?
Tracking/user analysis cookies. This allows me to see how many people are visiting this site and uses a third party service (such as Google Analytics and Quantcast) to do so.
Advertising: The advertising banners on this site come through my network (Handpicked Media) which supplies advertising from a range of approved digital partners. Occasionally these banners will use marketing cookies to show you adverts that you might be more interested in. This tracking system is anonymised and therefore it does not know who you are, it just uses the limited information available to it (via cookies) to serve you ads that may be relevant to you.

What to do if you want to control the use of Cookies?
You have the ability to accept or decline cookies using your web browser, but please be aware that it may negatively affect your experience of this site.Cookies can be removed or declined by changing your web browser settings. For more information please visit